Autres services

Road Bike Rental Japan is more than just rental bicycles

Our service includes more than just renting cycles.
We have industry, local and cultural knowledge you can utilize to expand any size cycle adventure all across Japan.

Japan-wide Delivery

Starting or ending your cycling adventure outside of the Kansai (Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe) area? Utilize our delivery services to either have the bike shipped to/from your destination within Japan

Japan Tour & Cycle Logisitics

Take advantage of our team’s knowledge when planning your tour…

RBRJ and EXO travel loaded a van with rental bikes to be transported

B2B Cycle Solutions

In need of a fleet of cycles? Like to offer rental bicycles from your own hotel or location? We offer….

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The nearest hotel to our Osaka shop is The Riverside Hotel.

The nearest hotel to our Kyoto shop is Zen Kyoto Apartment Hotel.

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